Rheology Bulletin

The Rheology Bulletin is issued once a year to inform members of the Society affairs, meetings and workshops, and matters of general interest to rheologists.

The Rheology Bulletin Collection

Bulletin Editor

Paulo E. Arratia
Department of Mechanical Engineering & Applied Mechanics
University of Pennsylvania
220 South 33rd Street (Towne 271)
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Email Paulo Arratia

Guidelines for Authors

The Rheology Bulletin welcomes submissions for publication in the Bulletin. The deadline for receipt of copy for articles is

  • May 1st (July issue)

Acceptance of submitted copy is at the discretion of the Editor of the Bulletin.

General Articles

Articles of potential interest to the readers of the Rheology Bulletin may be submitted to the Editor of the Bulletin for consideration. The target length for a full-length article is 2400 words, but articles of any length will be considered. Authors interested in submitting to the Bulletin may email their text directly to the Editor (Email Paulo Arratia) or may first discuss the potential article with the Editor. Articles received will be sent to reviewers with the intention of providing helpful feedback to the author.

Figures and photographs should be submitted, if possible, as high resolution (600 dpi) jpeg files. Color used should be CMYK. Alternatively, authors may submit high resolution (600 dpi) pdf files. In all cases individual graphics should be submitted in separate files (if two graphics are used in one figure, please submit each graphic separately). The author must have permission to republish any graphics or photos that are included in articles submitted to the Rheology Bulletin. The responsibility to determine that appropriate permission has been secured is the author's.

Articles are requested to be submitted in MS Word format, following the format in this format file (2 columns, 10 pt font).

Book Reviews

The Rheology Bulletin publishes reviews of books of potential interest to members of The Society of Rheology. Publishers may send review copies to the Editor of the Bulletin, who will decide if the content is of sufficient interest to SOR members to merit a review and will select a reviewer. Copies submitted for review will not be returned to the publisher, whether or not they are reviewed. Books not selected for review may still be listed under the rubric of “New books received.” An author may respond to a review in the form of a Letter to the Editor, and if the Editor believes that the views expressed in such a letter will be of interest to readers, it will be published in a suitably edited form.


Letters to the Editor of the Bulletin may be sent at any time and will be considered for publication.


The Editor of the Bulletin invites potential contributors to contact the Editor with specific topics and ideas.

Guidelines for Advertisers


Full page advertisements in the Rheology Bulletin may be purchased by contacting AIP Publishing:

Dan Cooke
Director, Journal Advertising
Phone: 516-576-2629
Fax: 516-576-2481
Email Dan Cooke

Debbie Bott
Advertising Sales Manager
Phone: 516-576-2430
Fax: 516-576-2481
Email Debbie Bott

AIP Publishing Advertising Department
Phone: 1-800-247-2242
Email Advertising Department

Mechanical Requirements

Please prepare advertisement copy for the Rheology Bulletin as follows:

  • Bleed page: 8.75" x 11 1/4"
  • Trim size: 8.5" x 11"
  • Live matter should be kept at least 3/8" inside all four edges of trim.
  • High resolution PDF files with images at 300 dpi and all fonts embedded are required. All black type must be 100% black and ads must be built out of CMYK.

Please send copy to Debbie Bott (Email Debbie Bott) or Robyn Messina (Email Robyn Messina). Ad copy is due June 14 for the July Bulletin.