The name of this organization shall be The Society of Rheology, Incorporated, hereafter referred to as The Society.
ARTICLE II – Purpose
The object of The Society shall be the advancement of rheology and its applications. Rheology is here defined as the science of the deformation
and flow of matter. The objects shall be promoted (a) by meetings, (b) by a publication policy designed to increase and disseminate knowledge of
rheology, hereinafter provided for in ARTICLE IX of the Rules, and (c) by other appropriate means.
ARTICLE III – Membership
Any person interested in the purposes of The Society may apply for membership provided an application, made out in due form, is submitted to the
Chair of the Membership Committee or to the designate of the Chair, hereinafter provided for in ARTICLE IV of the Rules.
ARTICLE IV – Officers and Executive Committee
Section 1
The officers of The Society shall consist of a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and an Editor.
Section 2
The governing body of The Society shall be the Executive Committee.
Section 3
The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers of The Society, the most recent living Past-President of The Society,
Members-at-Large, and one representative from each Division as provided for in ARTICLE VIII. If there are more than two divisions,
the number of Members-at-Large shall equal the number of Divisional Representatives. There shall be at least three Members-at-Large.
Section 4
The terms of the officers and of the members of the Executive Committee shall be two years or until their successors are elected.
The terms shall start at the beginning of January 1 of the year immediately following their election, hereinafter provided for in
ARTICLE V, and shall terminate at the end of December 31 in the year of expiration of their terms of office.
Section 5
The Executive Committee shall be the legal representative of The Society. It shall have the power to expend the funds of The Society,
or to invest the same, but shall not incur indebtedness beyond the assets of The Society. It shall transact all business of The Society
not otherwise provided for specifically in the Constitution and Rules of The Society.
ARTICLE V – Nomination and Election of Officers
Section 1
At a suitable time prior to an election, the President shall appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of between three to five members of The Society.
The Nominating Committee shall operate under the guidelines outlined in Article V of the Rules. One of the members of this Committee
shall be designated by the President to act as Chair. If for any reason the President cannot take this action, the Executive Committee shall
appoint the members and Chair of the Nominating Committee.
Section 2
The Nominating Committee shall, through its Chair, report to the Secretary of The Society at least one nominee but no more than two nominees
for each of the offices named in Section I of ARTICLE IV of this Constitution, and at least five nominees for Members-at-Large of the Executive
Committee. Nominees shall be members in good standing of The Society as provided for in ARTICLE III of the Rules.
At least one hundred forty-five (145) days prior to the date of the Annual Meeting at which the results of an election are to be announced, the
Secretary shall inform the members of The Society of the list of nominees reported by the Nominating Committee. For a period of forty-five (45) days
following the date of such notification, additional nominees may be named by petition forwarded to the Secretary and signed by at least fifteen (15)
members in good standing of The Society. Upon receipt of such petition, the Secretary shall, after acceptance of such nominations by the nominees,
add such names to the ballot. Where more than one nomination for each office has been made, the complete list of nominees comprising the ballot
shall be arranged in alphabetical order.
Section 3
At least eighty (80) days prior to the Annual Meeting at which the results of an election are to be announced, the Secretary shall notify and make
available to each member in good standing of The Society a complete ballot, prepared as provided in Section 2 of this ARTICLE. The ballot shall,
in addition, contain a notice that the voter may vote for any qualified persons other than the listed nominees, and spaces shall be provided for recording such votes.
Ballots shall be returned to the Secretary or to the designate of the Secretary, and to be valid must be received not later than thirty (30)
days prior to the Annual Meeting at which the results of the election are to be announced. Any ballot marked so as to indicate a vote for more than one officer
nominee or for more than three nominees for Member-at-Large shall be void in its entirety.
Section 4
An Election Committee appointed by the President shall certify the election.
At the Annual Meeting, the President shall announce the results of the election as determined by the Election Committee. If the Annual Meeting is postponed or abandoned,
the President shall direct the Secretary to report the election results to the members of The Society by mail or by other means prior to December 15.
If there is a tie vote, the President shall order a ballot to be taken at the Annual Meeting to decide which of the candidates who have received the same number of votes
shall be chosen. If for any reason the Annual Meeting is not to be held that year, the President shall immediately order another vote of the membership, allowing thirty days
for return of the ballots.
ARTICLE VI – Meetings
Section 1
An annual Meeting of The Society for the purpose of conducting technical sessions or symposia and to transact business shall be held each year. The Executive Committee shall
announce the time and place at least six months prior to the meeting.
Section 2
Additional meetings may be held as shall be determined by majority vote of the Executive Committee.
Section 3
Notwithstanding Section I of this ARTICLE, the Executive Committee may determine the existence of extraordinary conditions requiring postponement or abandonment of the Annual
Meeting in any single year. If the Committee determines a postponement, it shall fix the time and place for the next meeting as soon as possible.
The Secretary of The Society shall report to the membership at the Annual Meeting on the activities of The Society. The Treasurer of The Society shall report to the membership
at the Annual Meeting on the financial condition of The Society. These reports shall be sent to the membership.
ARTICLE VIII – Divisions
Section 1
The Executive Committee may, upon petition by members of The Society, recommend the formation of a Division within The Society charged with the advancement and diffusion of the
knowledge of a specific subject or subjects in rheology. Such petition shall include proposed Bylaws and definitions of the areas of interest of the Division, for approval by
the Executive Committee.
Section 2
The officers of each Division shall be a Chair, a Vice-Chair and a Secretary- Treasurer, who shall be elected or shall assume their posts in such manner as the Bylaws of the Division
shall provide. There shall be a council of each Division consisting of the officers and such other members as may be elected by the Division. Said Secretary-Treasurer shall keep the
Executive Committee informed of the activities and needs of the Division. A Divisional Representative to the Executive Committee shall be selected by each Division following the Bylaws
of the Division.
Section 3
The times and places of the meetings of a Division shall be chosen subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.
Section 4
The formation or dissolution of a Division shall occur after the recommendation of the Executive Committee and the approval of a majority of the membership voting in a secure and secret vote.
The vote shall be taken within 90 days of the recommendation of the Executive Committee and shall be supervised by the Secretary.
Section 5
Dissolution may be recommended by the Executive Committee upon evidence of operation of the Division in a manner or level of activity inconsistent with the general purpose of The Society.
Notice of intent to recommend dissolution shall be sent to Council members of the Division at least six (6) months before such recommendation is submitted to a vote of the membership,
so that remedial action may be taken by the Division to make a recommendation for dissolution unnecessary.
ARTICLE IX – Meetings Policy Committee
A Meetings Policy Committee is to be established consisting of the Local Arrangements Chair and the Meeting Program Chair, and other members, all to be appointed by the President with
concurrence of the Executive Committee. The Meetings Policy Committee shall be responsible for organizing the meetings of The Society.
ARTICLE X – Amendments to the Constitution
Amendments to this Constitution may be made by a 2/3 vote of those voting in a secret and secure ballot submitted to the membership after the members attending a regular meeting of
The Society have voted to submit such amendments to a ballot. The Secretary shall notify and make ballots available to the membership within thirty days after this meeting. Ballots
shall be returned to the Secretary or to the designate of the Secretary, and to be valid must be received within sixty days after this meeting. Amendments so approved shall become
effective immediately upon certification of approval by the Secretary to the Executive Committee and to the membership, except that amendments that change the status of officers shall
become effective when the new officers are declared elected.
ARTICLE XI – Dissolution of The Society
In the event of dissolution, all of the remaining assets and property of the corporation shall, after necessary expenses thereof, be distributed to another organization selected by
the Executive Committee, exempt under section 501 (c) (3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1954, or corresponding provisions of any subsequent Federal tax laws, or to the
Federal government, or state or local government for public purpose.
ARTICLE I – Duties of Officers and Executive Committee
Section 1
The President of The Society shall exercise general care and supervision over the affairs of The Society subject to the direction and approval of the Executive Committee, and shall do
and perform all acts usually incident to the office of President.
Section 2
The Vice-President shall assist the President in the performance of the latter's duties. In the event of the absence of the President, or the inability of the President to serve, the
Vice-President shall act in the President's stead. The Vice-President shall perform such other duties as are assigned by the President or by the Executive Committee.
Section 3
The Secretary shall keep the records of The Society, including minutes of all meetings, appointments, committees, and membership files.
The Secretary shall be responsible for the official correspondence of The Society.
The Secretary shall prepare an annual report of the activities of The Society in accordance with ARTICLE VII of the Constitution.
The Secretary shall be responsible for the preparation, distribution, and collection of ballots that may be presented to the membership for vote. In particular, the Secretary shall be
responsible for the issuance and receipt of the ballots for the membership vote on officers as defined in ARTICLE V of the Constitution, for the issuance and tabulation of ballots on
the formation and dissolution of a Division as specified in ARTICLE VIII of the Constitution, and for the issuance and tabulation of ballots on proposed amendments to the Constitution
and Rules as specified in ARTICLE X of the Constitution, and in ARTICLE XI of the Rules, respectively.
Section 4
The Treasurer shall account for all monies of The Society.
The Treasurer shall be the disbursing officer of The Society and shall approve all expenditures by The Society upon authorization of the Executive Committee.
The Treasurer may be required to give bond for the faithful discharge of the duties of the office of Treasurer, to the extent as may be required by the Executive Committee.
The Treasurer shall prepare an annual budget and present it to the members at the Annual Meeting.
The Treasurer shall prepare an annual report on the state of the finances of The Society in accordance with ARTICLE VII of the Constitution.
Section 5
The Editor shall have the technical direction of The Society's journals, as defined in ARTICLE IX of the Rules.
Section 6
The Executive Committee shall be empowered to make working rules of order and to create additional standing and ad hoc committees for the control and operation of The Society.
All rules and regulations and committee appointments so made shall terminate with the expiration of tenure of office of the officers promulgating them, unless continued by
incoming officers constituting the succeeding Executive Committee.
In the event that an officer of The Society dies or resigns while in office, the Executive Committee shall appoint a successor to complete the unexpired term of the officer,
subject to the provision stipulated in Section 2 of ARTICLE I of the Rules that the Vice-President shall succeed if the Office of President becomes vacant.
The Executive Committee shall determine the date and place of the Annual Meeting and any other meetings of The Society that shall be called in accordance with ARTICLE VI of the Constitution.
The Executive Committee recommends the formation or the dissolution of Divisions as stipulated in ARTICLE VIII of the Constitution.
The Executive Committee shall have the power to overrule or modify the action of any officer of The Society.
A quorum of The Society shall be the number present at a regularly scheduled business session of The Society. A quorum of the Executive Committee and of all other Committees shall be a
majority of said committee.
ARTICLE III – Dues and Privilege
Section 1
Members in good standing of The Society ("members") shall be live natural persons and shall pay annual dues of $65, payable in advance. Each member shall receive the official publications of
The Society.
Student members of The Society shall be live natural persons who are full-time students and shall pay annual dues of $35, payable in advance. The Membership Committee shall determine the mechanism
by which a member's status as a student is determined. Student members have all the rights and responsibilities of members in good standing.
Section 2
Accepted applications for membership in The Society received prior to June 30 shall be considered as for the current year and back numbers of the current volume of The Society's Journals,
hereinafter provided for in ARTICLE IX of the Rules, shall be furnished to said members. Applications accepted for membership after June 30 shall be applied to the following year, and
Journals shall start with the first issue of the following year unless applicants specifically request the application to be applied to the current year.
Members delinquent in dues three months after the official date of renewal shall be declared not in good standing and their names removed from the official roster of The Society. Members
not in good standing or resigned members may be reinstated without payment of back dues, by action of the Membership Committee.
Members may resign by notifying the Chair of the Membership Committee or the Secretary in writing. Membership in The Society may be suspended or terminated by vote of the Executive Committee
for conduct adjudged to be detrimental to the interests of The Society.
Retired members of The Society may, upon application to the Secretary, remain as members of record of The Society without the payment of the Annual Dues, provided that they have been
regular members for a period of at least 10 years at the time of the application. The years of membership need not be consecutive. Such members of record shall be accorded all privileges of membership except that they shall not receive,
as part of their membership, either printed or electronic subscriptions to the journals of The Society. Unemployed members who have been regular members for a period of 5 years at the time
of application may, for a maximum period of 3 years, retain all privileges of membership without payment of dues. Applications for waiver of dues for unemployed members shall be reviewed
by The Secretary, with input from the Executive Committee, and shall be granted at the Secretary's discretion.
ARTICLE IV – Membership Committee
There shall be a standing Membership Committee of at least three members appointed by the President. The Chair of the Membership Committee, or their designee, shall receive and pass upon all applications
for membership with the advice of the Membership Committee and shall notify the Secretary of the action taken upon the applications.
The Membership Committee shall act on the status of members not in good standing as provided for in ARTICLE III of the Rules.
ARTICLE V – Nominating Committee
There shall be a standing Nominating Committee appointed by the President. The Nominating Committee shall canvass nominees for elections and awards
and shall function in accordance with the provisions of ARTICLE V of the Constitution.
ARTICLE VI – Audit Committee
There shall be a standing Audit Committee that will provide independent oversight of financial reporting and disclosure of the Society. The committee will provide an annual report
to the Executive Committee.
The committee will be constituted of three members (of the Society and in good standing) with staggered three year terms to be appointed by the President. The Society’s Treasurer
is a non-voting ex officio member.
ARTICLE VII – Financial Advisement Committee
There shall be a standing Financial Advisement Committee that will provide independent advice to the Executive Committee on financial planning and investment strategy of the Society.
The committee will report annually.
The committee will be constituted of three members (of the Society and in good standing) with staggered three year terms to be appointed by the President. The Society’s Treasurer
is a non-voting ex officio member.
ARTICLE VIII – Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
There shall be a standing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee of at least three members (of the Society and in good standing) appointed by the President. This committee will
advise the Executive Committee on activities and policies to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion among all of our members, as well as more broadly throughout the field of
rheological sciences and practice of rheology.
ARTICLE IX – Publications
Section 1
The Society shall publish technical journals designed to increase and disseminate knowledge of rheology.
The Editor shall encourage authors of papers presented at the Annual Meeting to submit their papers for publication in the journal of The Society.
Section 2
The Society shall publish an official news bulletin, hereafter referred to as the Bulletin. The Bulletin may also contain other matters of rheological interest.
Section 3
The Editor shall have the authority to appoint assisting, contributing, and publishing editors to be responsible for the development of the different aspects of the journals of The Society.
ARTICLE X – Awards
Section 1
The Bingham Medal shall be awarded, usually on an annual basis, but in any event not more often, to an individual who has made outstanding contributions to the field of rheology.
A monetary prize of an amount determined by the Executive Committee, subject to the provision that this amount may not be adjusted more than twice in any five-year period, shall
accompany the medal. The Bingham Award Committee (provided for in Section 2 of this ARTICLE) shall make selection of the medalist, subject to approval by the Executive Committee.
The Bingham Medal shall be presented at the Annual Meeting.
Section 2
The President shall, each year, appoint sufficient members for staggered terms of three years to The Bingham Award Committee, such that The Committee is composed of seven persons;
members may not be appointed to consecutive terms. In addition, the President shall appoint one of the seven members to act as Chair of The Committee for that year. The guidelines
to be used for selection of a medalist by The Committee shall be submitted by the Chair of The Bingham Award Committee to the Executive Committee for approval if such guidelines
differ from the guidelines previously approved.
Section 3
The Editor or a designated replacement, two Members-at-Large of the Executive Committee chosen by the President, and at least one member appointed annually by the Editor shall serve
as the Journal Publication Award Committee. The Chair of the Committee shall be the Editor or a member appointed by the Editor. The Journal Publication Award Committee shall, annually,
select for special recognition at the Annual Meeting the best paper published in the journals of The Society during the preceding two years. A monetary award may accompany the Journal
Publication Award at the discretion of the Executive Committee subject to the provision that this amount may not be adjusted more than twice in any five-year period.
Section 4
At the discretion of the Executive Committee, The Society may present a Distinguished Service Award to an individual to recognize exceptional service to The Society by that individual.
The Distinguished Service Award shall be awarded infrequently.
Section 5
The Arthur B. Metzner Early Career Award recognizes outstanding contributions to the field of rheology by a young person. It shall be given, usually on an annual basis, but in any event
not more often. The year of a nominee's terminal degree cannot be earlier than the twelfth year prior to the year of the award for which he/she is a candidate. A monetary prize of an
amount determined by the Executive Committee, subject to the provision that this amount may not be adjusted more than twice in any five-year period, shall accompany the award. The Metzner
Award Committee (provided for in Section 6 of this ARTICLE) shall make selection of the Awardee, subject to approval by the Executive Committee. The Metzner Award shall be presented at
the Annual Meeting.
Section 6
The President shall, each year, appoint sufficient members for staggered terms of three years to The Metzner Award Committee, such that The Committee is composed of five persons; members
may not be appointed to consecutive terms. In addition, the President shall appoint one of the five members to act as Chair of The Committee for that year. The guidelines to be used for
selection of an awardee by The Committee shall be submitted by the Chair of The Metzner Award Committee to the Executive Committee for approval if such guidelines differ from the guidelines
previously approved.
Section 7
SOR Fellowship status recognizes a history of distinguished scientific achievement, a significant technological accomplishment, and/or outstanding scholarship in the field of Rheology.
Service to The Society is also an important component to Fellowship status. Current SOR members who have been members in good standing for at least 8 years are eligible for the award.
The years of membership need not be consecutive. Fellowship status will be awarded no more often than annually and to no more than 0.5% of the membership in any given year.
The counts for maximum number of Fellows inducted each year shall not include automatic inductees, defined below.
The distribution of Fellows should reflect the professional associations of the membership (e.g., academic,
government, industrial). A Fellowship Committee (provided for in Section 8 of this ARTICLE) shall make selection of the new Fellows, subject to approval by the Executive Committee.
Fellowship selection will be recognized at the Annual Meeting of The Society.
The President, Vice President, and Past President cannot be nominated to the status of Fellow while serving on the Executive Committee, though present Fellows can serve on the Executive
Winners of the Bingham medal, if they are not already a Fellow, shall be automatically inducted as Fellows in the year in which they are eligible
and will be excluded from the count of the maximum number of Fellows inducted each year.
Fellowship in The Society may be suspended or terminated by vote of the Executive Committee for conduct adjudged to be detrimental to the interests of The Society.
Section 8
The President shall, each year, appoint sufficient members for staggered terms of three years to the Fellowship Committee. The committee will be made up of five members who have achieved the
status of Fellow. In addition, the President shall appoint one of the five members to act as Chair of the Committee for that year.
The inaugural class of Fellows (2015) was comprised of:
All living past presidents of the SOR not including the current president or the immediate past president.
Past members of the SOR Executive Committee who have held named positions (i.e., Secretary, Treasurer, and Editor) but not including members-at-large.
Past recipients of the Bingham medal.
ARTICLE XI – Amendments to the Rules
The Rules may be amended by majority vote of the members returning a secret and secure ballot after the members attending any regular meeting of The Society, or
the Executive Committee, have voted to submit the proposed amendment to ballot. The Secretary shall notify and make ballots available to the membership within
thirty days after the vote directing such a ballot. Ballots shall be returned to the Secretary or to the designate of the Secretary, and to be valid must be
received within sixty days after the vote directing the ballot.
Amendments so approved shall become effective immediately upon certification of approval of the Secretary to the Executive Committee and to the membership.