The Society of Rheology 87th Annual Meeting

October 11-15, 2015 - Baltimore, Maryland


Poster Session

Flow induced crystallization of isotactic polypropylene

October 14, 2015 (Wednesday) 6:05

Poster Session / Atrium/Harborview

(Click on name to view author profile)

  1. Hamad, Fawzi G. (Penn State University, Chemical Engineering)
  2. Colby, Ralph H. (Penn State University, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering)
  3. Milner, Scott T. (Penn State University, Chemical Engineering)

(in printed abstract book)
Fawzi G. Hamad1, Ralph H. Colby2, and Scott T. Milner1
1Chemical Engineering, Penn State University, University Park, PA 16802; 2Chemical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering, Penn State University, University Park, PA 16802

Hamad, Fawzi G.

Semi-crystalline polymers exhibit flow induced crystallization (FIC), in which brief intervals of strong flow followed by a temperature quench increases the nuclei number density and transforms the morphology. One main requirement for FIC is applying sufficient specific work (W = stress x strain) to form flow-induced nuclei. The objective of this study is to explore the relation between amount of specific work and crystallization kinetics, crystal morphology, and nuclei persistence time during FIC. The crystallization kinetics of isotactic polypropylene is studied in a rotational rheometer. Samples are sheared above Tm and then quenched below Tm while the phase angle (tand) is monitored at a fixed frequency and strain, as a sensitive probe of the onset of solid-like behavior after different shear conditions. The crystallization rate generally increases with increasing applied work, up to a value beyond which the rate remains constant. Samples with lower isotacticity show the fastest crystallization rates after shear (whereas quiescent crystallization rates show the expected opposite trend with tacticity). Using polarized optical microscopy and AFM, we image the changes in morphology of the previously sheared polypropylene sample. Micrographs show that flow promotes the formation of rice grain crystals that are roughly 4 µm long, and 1 µm in diameter. Flow-induced nuclei that promote this morphology have a long persistence time and require prolonged annealing at elevated temperature to erase. This persistence time was determined by monitoring the crystallization temperature of a sheared sample in the DSC after annealing at elevated temperatures until it returns to the quiescent crystallization temperature.