Special Events at ICR 2020 (12-11-2020)
Dear Colleagues,
We'd like to highlight a few events of special interest to the SOR community at next week's International Congress of Rheology:
Tuesday at 12:30 (Rio time): Tribute to Bob Bird
Tuesday at 13:00 (Rio time): SOR Awards Ceremony
Tuesday at 13:30 (Rio time): Bingham Lecture - Ole Hassager, "The wonders of extension"
Wednesday at 13:30 (Rio time): Metzner Presentation - Arezoo Ardekani, "Motile microorganisms in complex fluids"
We hope you can join us, and see you at the opening ceremony (Monday at 10:00 Rio time)!.
13:00 Rio Time = 8:00 California = 10:00 Houston = 11:00 NY = 16:00 London = 17:00 Paris = 21:30 New Delhi = 24:00 Beijing = 24 + 1:00 Tokyo Seoul = 24 + 3:00 Sydney
Kal Migler
Secretary, SOR